Part 10 in our "Why They Succeed" series...

When Ambition co-founders Brian Trautschold, Travis Truett, and Jared Houghton set out to build a B2B software product seven years ago, they could have taken their SaaS tool anywhere — but they were inspired by Chattanooga’s startup ecosystem and the quality of life Chattanooga could afford their current and future team members.

Since day one, Ambition’s founders sought to build a product that’s useful. Their software, a gamification platform intended to incentivize and motivate sales teams to hit their goals, has evolved over time — but it’s because of careful listening to customer feedback that Ambition has made it to its current iteration.

From Brian’s perspective, the thing that really sets Ambition apart is the team’s commitment to building a product that works for their clients, rather than focusing on what they think would work or what they want to build. In order to do that, they need high-quality talent, and they believe Chattanooga makes a great hub for their growing tech business to thrive.

COVID-19 Considerations

Just like many businesses, Ambition has faced unforeseen roadblocks and challenges since March of 2020. But because of trusted partnerships like the one they have with Market Street Partners, they’ve been able to confidently navigate this new terrain.

“I think it’s made it easier for me to sleep,” Brian says. “Market Street Partners has answered our emails late at night […] and that’s not every service provider, that’s not everyone who works with our company. And the fact that we can lean on them to better support our people and operate with more stability, that’s been incredibly valuable.”

Watch the video for the rest of the story, and be sure to check out the other profiles in our “Why They Succeed” series.