Earlier this week, dozens of area golfers and a great collection of sponsors joined us at the Signal Mountian Golf and Country Club to take part in the 2021 MSP Foundation Golf Tournament. It was a beautiful fall day on the course, and just as the case was last year, the competition was strong this go-round.
We added a new twist to this year’s tournament, giving the winning team the ability to direct $5,000 to the philanthropy of their choice. Our winning team — Cory Gaylord, Jack Findley, Charles Gilbreath, and George Wilson — elected to give their winnings to Volunteers in Medicine, an organization with the mission “to understand and serve the health and wellness needs of the medically underserved in our community by providing quality, compassionate and personalized care in a faith-based caring environment.”
Congrats to this year’s winners, and thank you to all who participated, including our generous sponsors (Chattanooga Whiskey, Hutton and Smith, Naked River, Regions Bank, The Trust Company of Tennessee, Adams Lithographing, First Horizon, Pinnacle Financial Partners, Southern Payroll & Benefits, and Heed PR). We’ll see you on the course again next year!